Learning Outcome #1

Over the course of the semester I have definitely improved a lot in revising, when it comes to working on big projects at first I struggled developing claims for every paragraph and analysis to back that up. I think revision can go hand in hand with your total understanding of the topic. If you have a good grasp on the concept then creating claims and analyzing them will be easier. Maybe because I became better at analyzing texts and everything that helped me when I went back to edit on my work. Looking at my first and final drafts of my second essay I was able to change my claims and make a better thesis but on this particular essay I struggled with the overall concept, if I could go back now I would change so much. When I look at all three of my essays it is clear a development is there though. From my first essay to my last I think every time when I drafted my final I got better each time.  Using the developmental skills we discussed in class it helped take my writing to just a mear a beginner to someone to now has a better understanding for what they are doing who is more confident when he writes.